Whitehead Psychology Nexus Spring Meeting.
The spring meetings of the Whitehead Psychology Nexus are held in the idyllic village of Fontareches in the Languedoc, France. We meet at the house of Jason Brown, author of Process and the authentic life; Neuropsychological Foundations of Conscious Experience and Gourmet’s Guide to the Mind, among many other books.
The date of this year’s meeting is March 27th. – 30th.. Our meetings aim to develop Whiteheadian thought through critical interaction with other disciplines, especially those concerned with psychological, or, more broadly, living processes.
Meetings to date have touched on evolutionary biology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, theology, mathematics, the life sciences, clinical studies and many other topics. Our meetings are the antithesis of large, anonymous conferences where real communication is virtually impossible. Around fifteen people enjoy short presentations that aim to promote dialogue for which ample time is left.
Accommodation costs of unaccompanied presenters will be covered and there is no conference fee. If you would like to take part in the meeting, please send your contact details and an abstract of no more than 1000 words to John Pickering at <[email protected]>.